Please note that calls to and from Eaton Mill Nursery are recorded for accuracy purposes.


Welcome to
Eaton Mill Nursery




Essential Information

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Providing The Children The Best Start In Life!

We are constantly expanding the range of services offered, taking care of children from ages of 2 to 4. Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive to turn the learning process into a bright event so that children study with pleasure.

“Children thoroughly enjoy their time at this nursery.”  Ofsted 2024


Success Breeds Success

Click on the links below to explore our own unique pathways which join together to ensure our little ones are on the right road to success, from the moment they start, until the moment they move on to primary school.

  • Active Learning

    We encourage all our children to learn by thinking, discussing, investigating and creating.

    Learn More
  • Childcare

    We provide high quality childcare to ensure that your little ones are safe, secure and stimulated.

    Learn More
  • Healthy Lunches

    If you are what you eat then all of our children are healthy food explorers.

    Learn More
  • Excellent Facilities

    We offer only the best facilities for all our children and reinvest all our profits.

    Learn More

Offering A Variety Of Educational & Fun Activities!

Our activities are multidimensional and are focused on giving children a wide range of skills through experiential learning. Whether it’s learning to tie a shoelace or separate triangles from squares or balance on a beam. Our skilled staff will ensure that your child’s time in our setting is maximised.



Lovely atmosphere in the nursery with staff that seem to work well together. Lots of activities for the children to explore.

My daughter loves the messy play and creativity tasks.

We think the nursery is organised really well and have loved the stay and play sessions. The nursery staff are always approachable and listen to what we have to say.

All the teachers and staff are very caring. My child enjoys going to school.

Teachers are loving and caring. I’m very impressed that all teaching staff seem to know my child well. Stay and play sessions and observations on Tapestry allows me to understand what activities my child is doing and how my child is progressing. My child comes home very happy and can’t wait to get back to the nursery every day. I believe my child is taken care of in good hands.

Theme of The Week

(For the weeks commencing)

  • Traditional Tales

    17 February
    The Three Little Pigs The Ugly Duckling
  • Traditional Tales

    24 February
    Goldilocks and The Three Bears The Three Billy Goats Gruff
  • Traditional Tales

    3 March
    The Gingerbread Man Pinocchio
  • Traditional Tales

    10 March
    Chicken Licken The Wizard of Oz