Please note that calls to and from Eaton Mill Nursery are recorded for accuracy purposes.


Funded Childcare

Eaton Mill Nursery are pleased to confirm we offer the following Government Funded Sessions.

2 Year old Funding

This will be for funded sessions for Eligible 2 Year old’s for the term after their 2nd birthday. We offer 15 hours a week. To find out if your child is eligible then please visit

3 & 4 year old Funding

This will be for funded sessions for 3 & 4 year old’s for the term after their 3rd birthday. We offer 15 hours a week or 30 hours a week. To find out if your child is eligible then please visit

Other Schemes

There are various other Government schemes which offer help with childcare costs, including Tax Free Childcare, Employer Provided Childcare Vouchers – Further details can be found on the Childcare Choices website.

For any further information then please speak to Rebecca in the Atrium or call 01908 373621


Theme of The Week

(For the weeks commencing)

  • Traditional Tales

    17 February
    The Three Little Pigs The Ugly Duckling
  • Traditional Tales

    24 February
    Goldilocks and The Three Bears The Three Billy Goats Gruff
  • Traditional Tales

    3 March
    The Gingerbread Man Pinocchio
  • Traditional Tales

    10 March
    Chicken Licken The Wizard of Oz