Please note that calls to and from Eaton Mill Nursery are recorded for accuracy purposes.


Latest News

Discovering the Lunar New Year: Animal Races and Sensory Adventures

The children have been learning all about the Luna New Year this week. They have thoroughly enjoyed hearing about the different animals that partook in the race and which order they came in.

The children have found out which animal they were born in the year of and when that animal will have its year again!

We had this sensory tuff tray this morning to show the different animals as they attempted to cross the river, overseen by the emperor of course!

Theme of The Week

(For the weeks commencing)

  • Traditional Tales

    17 February
    The Three Little Pigs The Ugly Duckling
  • Traditional Tales

    24 February
    Goldilocks and The Three Bears The Three Billy Goats Gruff
  • Traditional Tales

    3 March
    The Gingerbread Man Pinocchio
  • Traditional Tales

    10 March
    Chicken Licken The Wizard of Oz